
May 23, 2011

The Hot Pots.. that weren't that hot.

When we decided we were going to the Hot Pots again I was hesitant to say yes. The second time I received the lovely opportunity to hike to these beauties- it was a nightmare. We left at 10pm (because for some reason we thought it was smart) we started driving up Spanish Fork canyon and we were pumped. I had only been here once before but I had a fun time minus the drunk hicks- regardless, it rocked. As we approached the gate we noticed it said gate closed (oh I forgot it was January, and 17 degrees outside) we figured the road to the trail head was pretty close so.. why not just hike the road too! Wrong answer. 17 miles later we made it back to our car, frozen solid, and literally dying of thirst. I wont lie I shed a little tear when I saw the car. Turned on the car and the clock flashed 6:30am, needless to say I promised i'd never go back. Good thing Im horrible at promises and we went back.

The awful experience photos.

the second experience photos.. see the smiles?

 My roommate finally overcame her irrational fear of ducks (Brenna if you're reading this you know that this means next time i'm home you have to go on Tower of Terror, or Mickey's Roller coaster!)

Long story short, if you're ever planning on going to the Hot Pots, don't go when there's snow on the ground- smiles with not be found. Trust me.

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